The pdf file I have written herein, is my methodology and not the only means, is very in-depth and to many may seem, un-necessary yet I wanted folks to understand that the reason this path was chosen was that there is absolutely zero training on fire ground thermo-dynamics and heat-related issues and how to solve these types of problems for the average wildland firefighter.
I purposely went into greater detail and explanation for this reason and will tell you that the math and the depth it is displayed here are completely unnecessary to be successful, however, for those interested and for times ahead those involved who want to have a better handle on what to order and how many and of what type etc., etc., this should provide the mechanism for them.
Lastly, there will be elements that will make such things difficult to achieve, however, even as this may be, the same thought process still must be carried out at some other point in time while engaged in that suppression activity. This should therefore be considered a tool like everything else that if you know what can be done, even though you may not be able to at that instant, recognize that at some point you will have the favorable conditions to which Sun Tzu talks about in the art of war to achieve such. As told in The Art of War, it is about recognizing or waiting for the opportunity to exploit the elements and terrain to be victorious against your opponent.
The major difference is that you first have to be educated enough of not just your opponents' characteristics and to know when you can take advantage of those other elements, you have to be educated in yourself and your capabilities.
Video Segments 1 - 5.
In video segment number 5, I make a reference to the PMS-484 on Wildfire Declaration. That statement is referring to Element 18: Wildfire Declaration and is on page 27 of 47 in the document.
…A prescribed fire, or a portion, or segment of a prescribed fire, must be declared a wildfire by those identified in the plan with the authority to do so, when either or both of the following criteria are met:
Prescription parameters are exceeded and holding, and contingency actions cannot secure the fire by the end of the next burn period, or,
The fire has spread outside the project area or is likely to do so, and the associated contingency actions have failed or are likely to fail and the fire cannot be contained by the end of the next burn period.
The ability to obtain vital air resources as talked about in the video then become available upon the second part of element 18, that is the fire is “Likely to spread” outside the project area, OR the contingency actions are LIKELY to fail ….. These are tools that probably should be used early rather than late.. The KEY word in the document is “LIKELY” and I would take full advantage of that!
By example and using the fires ROS of 7.33ft per second as discussed in the video, this means the fire is traveling at 439 feet per minute. In 45 minutes the fire will travel 19,791 feet. That is 3.75 miles. The time it takes to have a pilot climb in, start, taxi to the runway can be as little as 5 minutes to as much as 15 minutes. If we assume 15 minutes, then the fire traveled 6,597 feet. If another 20 minutes is required to reach the actual fire not counting the time it will take the pilot to size up his drop run and direction then another 8,800 feet have been chewed through. In this time 3 miles have already been chewed through.
Holding forces should know and understand how to determine resource needs based upon available methods for instruction that are however not currently being taught in any of the industry standard courses.
Visit the FireBridge Tons per Acre Charts as a companion to this section.
Ok the last video is now uploaded and is only 5 segments. Each video is only about 7-10 minutes
Parts 1 & 2 out of 6 are now uploaded covering the discussion myself, Rick Gobel and Chris Franek had regarding Prescribe Fire and specifically targeting the Holding Function.
The discussion is designed to generate thought.
The other 4 parts will be up shortly