The example Charts shown below are in production and consist of the following Sheets.
Ø Chains per Hour to Feet per Second Conversion Chart
Ø Feet per Second to Btu/sec/foot by tons per acre
Ø Gallons per second via Btu/s/ft x Fire line length in feet
Ø Sheets for Type 3 Helicopter and S-64 Helicopter
Ø Sheets for T3, T2 & T1 Helicopter, 800, 1600, 3000, 4000, 11000 gallon tankers
Ø Sheet showing the Updated Fuel Models and the corresponding Tons per Acre figures associated
Ø Instruction Page.
The Charts come at the recommendation of R. Gobel (subscriber) to simplify and speed up the IA estimation process and make it easier yet for field folks. Since I do not normally work with Tons per Acre figures, Rick provided the initial assistance for the conversion once we had the data for the Tons per Acre figures on the fuel models.
A sample preview of the 3 main charts is shown.

FireBridge Tons per Acre & Btu to Water Required Charts
1.24MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA series of charts developed for the folks who need to determine the best air resources to deliver water to a fire. These charts are developed using the USFS data from the engineers from as far back as the 40's to present date and is based off of the Technical Reports for Tons per acre of the most updated fuel model nomograms that comprise the 1, 10, 100, live herbaceous and live woody fuels. The data was compiled and then the thermodynamic properties of water are used for each fuel nomogram to determine the amount of cooling needed based upon the outputs the nomograms are telling you. The charts are designed to eliminate 90% of the field arithmetic necessary. If you know the fires rate of spread and the Fire line length, you can determine the amount of water needed to begin suppression based off of what your conditions are telling you.
Folks may re-download the file above for an updated chart that includes T3, T2 and T1 Helicopters as well with 800, 1600, 3000, 4000, 11000 gallon loads. The 19,000 Gallon 747 is not included for obvious reasons since it is no longer available. The 11,000 Gallon load is for the DC10 since that is listed as max load capacity regardless of certification. And a Metric Version is being compiled now.
Those interested can re-load the page and download the PDF.