Education or Training Deficiency
The below paragraph is what I have found when searching for the term,
“How education & training influences decision making”
We live in a world with incomplete, imperfect, and sometimes misleading information.
When we make decisions, we use the information available to us to make predictions about what might happen in the future. The more accurate this information is, the better our predictions can be. Thinking probabilistically empowers us to identify what factors are under our control and how to respond proactively. We learn to apply tools and strategies to deeply understand our choices, manage risks, and give ourselves the best chance of an outcome we prefer.
However, with the above paragraph, what do you do in an industry that a very significant piece of that is simply non existent? What then?
In fire, we use pre season training, combined with factors in the “Now”, if the training from the “past” is devoid of any critical information, the likelihood that you or someone else will readily recognize such is unlikely. Thus you will be forced to make a decision off of partially missing and yet relevant information.
What will that outcome be?
Think of the past decades of fatalities and burn-overs and ask yourself, If they had a different piece of knowledge, would they have made a different decision that would have allowed them to remain alive?
There is a major and significant area in wildfire that we have zero training on from the National Standard and it is a critical piece that would have a major effect on tactical decisions.